The revitalized President’s Park involves much more than merely looking up at 20 ft. tall Presidential Busts; this park envisions a truly, cultural and historical experience on a grand scale. As of this writing there is international interest in the further development of this plan, while media outlets have been reporting on the synergy involved in generating interest and ultimate implementation of the Park.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about this challenging project!


We are making progress! We are looking at a large piece of property for our new park. Located near King’s Dominion, this would be a great location for both visitors to Washington DC and the historic area from Richmond through Williamsburg and Hampton Roads. This location perfectly suits our plans to honor our American Presidents and the history of our country’s capital city.

A White House Replica

whitehouse1A White House Replica, built to specifications in the architectural style of the White House scale, will be the centerpiece of the park with huge busts of all the Presidents placed on the perimeter of the park; this White House replica will actually serve as a Hotel, and will offer tours through available rooms.


The Story

Builder Howard Hankins, the current owner of the Presidential busts, was asked by the owners of the previous park to remove the statues that remained at the Park site before the land was sold. Learn the fascinating story of how statues that were supposed to be destroyed, began the journey instead.


The Media

When the story broke about presidential busts that had gone previously unnoticed, it became a national news story. A field in tiny Croaker, Virginia was suddenly overrun by local, regional and national media. While the busts themselves are not the main attraction of Presidential Historical Park, they certainly proved to be one of many catalysts.


We Want Your Input!

The Presidential Historical Park will will exist for our visitors. We are completely committed to bringing you what you want to see. We honor that commitment by offering our website visitors the opportunity to tell us what THEY would like to see featured in the park. We believe that this is the best way to provide an entertaining and inspirational visit for our guests.


The Bottom Line

More than just a White House replica, The Presidential Historical Park will have many unique features. Combining history, tourism, special events and a great place for kids to have fun will be make Presidential Historical Park a compelling destination for vacation travelers, school groups and everybody else. We hope you will become a part of it.

Additional Features and Amenities

Air Force One Replica


Presidents’ Restaurant

Presidential Limos

Video Arcade
