lincoln_bedA White House Replica, built to specifications in the architectural style of the White House scale, will be the center piece of the park with concrete heads of all the US Presidents (some as tall as 20’ high) individually placed on the perimeter of the park as a secondary feature; this White House replica will actually serve as a Hotel, and will use paid tours through available rooms.

Additionally, some Presidential bedrooms will be rented out to guests at a premium. The White House Ballroom will be rented out for Weddings and Corporate Events. There will be “State Dinners” held for tourists and Tuxedos and Gowns will be rented at the on-site shopping center. There will be formal White House Dinners for adults featuring a guest actor playing a President.

At present, the plans call for the Presidential actors to be limited to the Founding Fathers, or perhaps the ones from Virginia. Holidays at the White House call for Holiday themed events like the White House Lawn Easter Egg Hunt, the lighting of the White House Christmas Tree, and July 4th Fireworks.

In addition, we will present a compelling version of the history of the White House, focusing upon ALL of the people who lived and worked there. In a building whose construction began over 220 years ago, the very ways we live our days has changed radically.

air-force-oneThere will be several museums on property, including contributions from the Secret Service. You will be able to see what a Presidential limousine looks like from the inside. You’ll walk the aisles of an Air Force One replica.

There are plans for a concert venue, and you will be able to sample the foods enjoyed at White House dinners. There will be organized activities for the kids, both teens and younger, so that at the end of the day, everybody is tired and happy.

Combining history, tourism, special events and a great place for kids to have fun will be make Presidential Historical Park a compelling destination for vacation travelers, school groups and everybody else.